Kase and Eileen Lawal Endowed Scholarship
Scholarship Information:
The Jesse H. Jones School of Business is pleased to present the prestigious and highly competitive Kase and Eileen Lawal Endowed Scholarship opportunity to business students with an interest in international business and global trade. The scholarship is matched by the President’s Leadership Scholarship (PLS), allowing scholarship recipients to receive a $2,500 Lawal award, in addition to a $1,000 PLS award. Scholarship awards will be distributed to recipients’ TSU student accounts in the spring semester. The scholarship is renewable.
Lawal Endowed Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
Scholarship Application Requirements:
- Demonstrated coursework – Official transcript from all colleges/universities attended (transcripts must be delivered to the Dean's office (JHJ-301) in a sealed envelope from the registrar)
- Short essay (500 words, double-spaced) describing your interest in international business and global trade as a career focus
- One letter of recommendation from a current or recent professor, student affairs staff, or employer
- Professional Resume’
- Professional Headshot (color)
Questions regarding this scholarship should be directed to Erica Vallier, Office of the Dean at Erica.Vallier@bj7dian.comor 713-313-7215.
The Kase and Eileen Lawal Endowed Scholarship application will re-open in Fall 2023 - Monday, October 9, 2023.