Pre-Health Sciences Program

Admission to the Pre-Health Sciences Program is open to all students who:

  1. present evidence of high school graduation
  2. show evidence of good character and intellectual promise
  3. present scores earned on either the SAT or ACT examination.

Students in this category may follow the curriculum of study for the Health Sciences Program until enrollment in professional-level courses. Before enrollment in professional-level courses is permitted, students must formally apply for admission through the College Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Once the committee grants acceptance, students may enroll in professional-level courses and complete requirements for the various Health Sciences degrees and certifications.

All students seeking admission into any of the programs must formally apply to the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee through the Program Director. Applications must be accompanied by official transcripts of all college work (with evaluations from the Registrar) and three letters of recommendation from previous teachers, advisors, or workplace supervisors. All applicants must have met TASP responsibility and have a GPA of 2.50 or better on a 4.00 scale in mathematics and the basic sciences of biology, chemistry, and physics before entering the program. Students must have been granted acceptance prior to enrollment in professional courses.

For more information contact the Health Sciences Department at